Siduri Russian River Pinot Noir
- SKU:
- 529575
- Last Updated:
- 12/01/2024 10:25:03
- State / Region:
- Varietal:
- Color:
- Origin Classes:
- RR_BOPIS_Shipment:
- true
- RR_BOPIS_InStorePickup:
- true
- RR_BOPIS_CurbsidePickup:
- true
- Bacchus Price:
- 44.99
- Bacchus Product:
- False
The Chehalem Mountains Pinot Noir is a blend of nine barrels from three vineyards, all in the Chehalem Mountains AVA of the Willame5e Valley. In making this
wine, we produced the vineyard designated wines first and then blended a selec=on of the remaining barrels together to produce the Chehalem Mountains Pinot
Noir. We added a small amount of sulfur at the crush pad to prevent fermenta=on from star=ng prematurely and to allow for a cold soak. We also added a small
amount of tartaric acid to the must. Tartaric acid occurs naturally in the juice/wine and the amount we added was a frac=on of the total. Fermenta=on occurred
with some lots having commercial yeast added to the wine, while other lots occured without the addi=on of yeast.. All lots went through malolac=c fermenta=on
spontaneously. Sulfur was added during the wines elevage. The wine was bo5led without fining or filtra=on.
The wine is 14.25% alcohol, 6.4TA, 3.5pH, with 50ppm total SO2. This wine is Vegan-friendly. This wine has been tested and is Gluten-free.
The 2012 vintage in Oregon produced some of the finest Pinot
Noir fruit we have ever received from anywhere. Our challenge
was to make certain that the quality of our winemaking did
nothing to detract from the quality and character of the fruit.
Perhaps the only downside to the vintage is that the yields were
fairly small and thus there is not be a lot of wine to be had.
The Willame5e Valley is divided into six different sub-regions (also know as American Vi=culture Areas
or AVAs). Over our 19 year history we have worked with two of these AVAs, ul=mately choosing
to focus solely on the Chehalem Mountains. This is not because we believe it to be superior to the
other regions, but simply because it is the northernmost and coolest part of the Willame5e Valley.
As such, it is the most different from our California Pinot Noirs, making the wines that emerge from
it truly unique in Siduris porJolio of Pinots.
The 2012 Siduri Chehalem Mountains Pinot Noir is a blend of selected barrels from three vineyards.
All combined, we have worked with fruit from these vineyards for 48 vintages. As a blend of different
vineyards, the style of the ensuing wine is somewhat more at our discre=on. For this wine, we
truly try to select barrels that reflect the cooler nature of the Chehalem Mountains.
The 2012 Siduri Chehalem Mountains Pinot Noir is actually lighter in body than the less expensive
Willame5e Valley Pinot Noir. But it is full of wonderfully pure red fruit, accentuated by a crisp, liLing
acidity. Hints of underbrush and herbs adds complexity to the blend. This wine will surely put
on weight and gain with the passage of =me.
Region Description
(pee noh nwahr)—A tricky grape to grow, Pinot Noir makes some of the best wines in the world. The prototype wine is red Burgundy from France but Oregon, California, New Zealand, and parts of Australia also produce good Pinot Noir. The wine is lighter in color than Cabernet or Merlot with relatively high alcohol, medium-to-high acidity, and medium-to-low tannin. Its flavors and aromas can be very fruity or earthy and woodsy, depending on how it is grown. It is rarely blended with other grapes.