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  • McManis Petite Sirah

    McManis Petite Sirah

    Dark purple in color, with a bright hue, the 2007 McManis Family Vineyards Petite Sirah has a dense,

  • Sale
    Michael David Petite Petit

    Michael David Petite Petit

    Like elephants whose size is imposing, Petite Petit is large! A blend of 85% Petite Sirah and 15%

    Was: $16.99
    Now: $13.99
  • Capo Nativo Chardonnay

    Capo Nativo Chardonnay

    BOGO Alert! Clear, bright pale yellow in color with refreshing citrus aromas of grapefruit and lime

  • Aperol  750ml

    Aperol 750ml

    Aperol is the perfect aperitif. Bright orange in color it has a unique bitter-sweet taste deriving f

  • Barbera d'Alba Scavino

    Barbera d'Alba Scavino

    The Nebbiolo grapes, in the great crus of Barolo, are traditionally grown on the hilltop, while Dolc

  • Lockwood Cabernet Sauvignon

    Lockwood Cabernet Sauvignon

    BOGO Alert! The vineyard soils were wet for the first time in many spring seasons. The moisture help

  • Etude Carneros Pinot Noir

    Etude Carneros Pinot Noir

    Our goal is to produce a distinctly styled Pinot Noir of the highest quality, a wine that can satisf

  • Bogle Petite Sirah

    Bogle Petite Sirah

    First produced in 1978 by the Bogle family, this 2004 Petite Sirah is considered Bogles heritage var

  • Prairie Cucumber Vodka  750ml

    Prairie Cucumber Vodka 750ml

    Because you can taste the freshness. And with our new Prairie Cucumber-Flavored Organic Vodka, weve

  • Prairie Cucumber Vodka 1.75L

    Prairie Cucumber Vodka 1.75L

    Because you can taste the freshness. And with our new Prairie Cucumber-Flavored Organic Vodka, weve

  • Sale
    High West Double Rye 750ml

    High West Double Rye 750ml

    John Hansell, Malt Advocate Magazine - A blend of two straight whiskeys: a very young 2 year old hig

    Was: $37.99
    Now: $29.99