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  • Dry Creek Meritage

    Dry Creek Meritage

    The 2005 Meritage exhibits classic Bordeaux characters of bright cherry, chocolate, and a wonderful

  • Rowan's Creek 750ml

    Rowan's Creek 750ml

    Nos: Sweet vanilla, caramel, and honey... with a hint of pine nuts. This has a great nose... Taste:

  • Tortoise Creek Merlot

    Tortoise Creek Merlot

    Region Description(mer loh) Deep in color, high in alcohol and low in tannins, this grape is grown m

  • Carlos Creek Raspberry

    Carlos Creek Raspberry

    We combined our Sauvignon Blanc with a touch of Wobegon White and a burst of fresh raspberries. Semi

  • Dry Creek The Mariner

    Dry Creek The Mariner

    The Mariner exudes exotic aromas of wild cherry, blackberry, and dried roses. After several more min

  • Matanzas Creek Merlot

    Matanzas Creek Merlot

    A potpourri of fresh herbs, including thyme and sage, marry with dark boysenberries and velvety cher

  • Jacob's Creek Shiraz

    Jacob's Creek Shiraz

    Colour: Full depth crimson with purple hues Bouquet: Ripe cherry and dark berry with dried herb and

  • Tortoise Creek Zinfandel

    Tortoise Creek Zinfandel

    Region DescriptionOne of California’s oldest varietals, this grape actually hails from Croatia. Red

  • Matanzas Creek Sauvignon Blanc

    Matanzas Creek Sauvignon Blanc

    Our signature style of non grassy Sauvignon Blanc is achieved by blending Sauvignon Musque (a clonal

  • Tortoise Creek Sauvignon Blanc

    Tortoise Creek Sauvignon Blanc

    Region DescriptionComes mostly from California, France, New Zealand, and South Africa. Its highly ac
